睿狮中国集团添新员 强化联合利华中国服务团队
庄迪希拥有逾 10 年的行业经验。加入睿狮中国集团前,他在星传媒体担任媒介策略总监,负责百威英博在大中华地区最主要的数字营销活动。更早前,他先后就职于 POSSIBLE 和 Mirum。
谈及此次任命,睿狮中国集团首席执行官陈仲翰表示:“过去几个月,为了找到合适的人来担任这个至关重要的职位,我们进行了一次全面搜寻。MullenLowe Group 与联合利华在全球市场拥有长达一个多世纪的合作关系。自 1993 年至今,我们与联合利华中国已有 25 年的合作关系。基于此,我们的客服团队负责人需具备相关经验和远见卓识来提供最前沿的解决方案,确保联合利华在快速发展的市场中保持领先地位。”
2018 年,联合利华中国拓展了与睿狮中国集团的合作关系,睿狮将负责若干新的品牌传播业务。
MullenLowe Group China has appointed Dixi Chern to the role of Unilever’s Business Director in China.
Chern joins the network with over 10 years of industry experience having been in strategy roles in his past agencies at POSSIBLE and Mirum. Prior to joining MullenLowe Group China, Chern was Media Strategy Director at Starcom MediaVest where he worked on major campaigns for AB InBev across Greater China.
“We have gone through a very comprehensive search in the past few months to find the right candidate to take up this vital role,” said Richard Tan, CEO of MullenLowe Group China. “The global MullenLowe Group has a very long tenure with Unilever for more than a century, and have had 25 years of partnership with Unilever China since 1993. Based on this long-lasting partnership, it is vital that our team leader for the account has the vision and relevant experience to deliver cutting-edge solutions, ensuring the Unilever brands stay ahead in a rapidly developing market.”
“The cohesiveness and creativity of the fully integrated agency model really attracted me”, added Chern. “This is a great opportunity and I’m looking forward to playing that vital role to make a difference to the Unilever business development in China!”
Unilever China has expanded its relationship with MullenLowe Group China in 2018, with new brand assignments added to the agency’s current portfolio.